Saturday, August 7, 2010

112th Tontitown Grape Festival

Allen has worked at the Tontitown Grape Festival every year since we've been married. Hayden and I finally decided to go see what it was all about. Whew! It was H_O_T_! They serve fried chicken and spaghetti dinners that must be incredible because people stand in line for hours to buy tickets to dinner and then stand in another line for more hours for the food. The line is too much for me! We listen to some music and then Hayden rode some rides and I took some pictures.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Hayden had to get glasses this week. She was SO excited about them she tried to take the pair from the doctors office without the right lens in them. I went and picked them up yesterday, so far so good. She looks super cute in them.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Giant Moustachio

I love him!