Monday, July 26, 2010

Grilled Cheese and Goat Weed

This Saturday night Cynthia and I went to Fayetteville for a girls night out. We went to Hammontree's to eat dinner, a restaurant that specializes in grilled cheese! How brilliant is that? I have had the Where the Wild Things Are and it was awesome, but Saturday I tried the Caprese Melt, also good but not AS good as the other. After that we went to Kingfish, a new bar off Dickson St., probably my new favorite. We stopped at a gas station on our way out of Fayetteville to use the restroom and I snapped this picture with my phone.

Yeah, I don't know what it is but we sure got a laugh out of it!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Flea Market Art

When I go treasure hunting at flea markets there are a couple of things I'm always looking for, number one on that list is original art. (dishes would be the rest of that list) One day Cassie and I went True Treasures in Bentonville on our lunch break and I found this gem. It's taken me a while to spiff it up. I painted the frame and put a matt on it, then I had to figure out where to hang it. I think I might have spent a totally of $40 on it and I LOVE IT! My favorite parts of the drawing are his eyes and their hands.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Super Olive

To give you some reference on this amazing jump, Hayden is 5' and Olive might be 20" on all fours. She's a jumper! If you look closely you can see her tongue.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Orchards Park

Bentonville has a new park! Orchards Park, it's across the street from the future Crystal Bridges. Very nice park and they have live music out there every once in a while. Tonight Travis Kidd played, for those of you that have been in this area for a while you probably heard him play somewhere on Dickson St. in the mid to late 90s. He plays a little bit of everything and was lots of fun to watch.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns

If you're looking for a fun, quirky book to read I recommend this one! I enjoyed it so much I read it in two days. Click here to read the synopsis and reviews.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Flea Market Finds

This weekend was a rainy, rainy weekend! Friday night Hayden and I went to see Toy Story 3 so today she agreed to go to the flea markets with me. Yay! We went to two of my favorite flea markets, The Rose and The Rose, Too. They are both packed full of all kinds of treasures. 

I ended up with some Anchor Hocking "Manhanttan" depression glass, two glasses and a berry bowl. My mom gave me two "manhattan" salad plates that belonged to my grandma and I fell love with the pattern, if you can really call it that. I think it's elegant and timeless.

And a Pyrex baking dish the pattern is Butterprint in Turquoise, which I love because it's so retro. Someone I work with has the mixing bowls and maybe more and I covet them. He's not selling, I asked. :)