Allen has worked at the Tontitown Grape Festival every year since we've been married. Hayden and I finally decided to go see what it was all about. Whew! It was H_O_T_! They serve fried chicken and spaghetti dinners that must be incredible because people stand in line for hours to buy tickets to dinner and then stand in another line for more hours for the food. The line is too much for me! We listen to some music and then Hayden rode some rides and I took some pictures.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
112th Tontitown Grape Festival
Allen has worked at the Tontitown Grape Festival every year since we've been married. Hayden and I finally decided to go see what it was all about. Whew! It was H_O_T_! They serve fried chicken and spaghetti dinners that must be incredible because people stand in line for hours to buy tickets to dinner and then stand in another line for more hours for the food. The line is too much for me! We listen to some music and then Hayden rode some rides and I took some pictures.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hayden had to get glasses this week. She was SO excited about them she tried to take the pair from the doctors office without the right lens in them. I went and picked them up yesterday, so far so good. She looks super cute in them.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Grilled Cheese and Goat Weed
This Saturday night Cynthia and I went to Fayetteville for a girls night out. We went to Hammontree's to eat dinner, a restaurant that specializes in grilled cheese! How brilliant is that? I have had the Where the Wild Things Are and it was awesome, but Saturday I tried the Caprese Melt, also good but not AS good as the other. After that we went to Kingfish, a new bar off Dickson St., probably my new favorite. We stopped at a gas station on our way out of Fayetteville to use the restroom and I snapped this picture with my phone.
Yeah, I don't know what it is but we sure got a laugh out of it!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Flea Market Art
When I go treasure hunting at flea markets there are a couple of things I'm always looking for, number one on that list is original art. (dishes would be the rest of that list) One day Cassie and I went True Treasures in Bentonville on our lunch break and I found this gem. It's taken me a while to spiff it up. I painted the frame and put a matt on it, then I had to figure out where to hang it. I think I might have spent a totally of $40 on it and I LOVE IT! My favorite parts of the drawing are his eyes and their hands.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Super Olive
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Orchards Park
Bentonville has a new park! Orchards Park, it's across the street from the future Crystal Bridges. Very nice park and they have live music out there every once in a while. Tonight Travis Kidd played, for those of you that have been in this area for a while you probably heard him play somewhere on Dickson St. in the mid to late 90s. He plays a little bit of everything and was lots of fun to watch.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Flea Market Finds
This weekend was a rainy, rainy weekend! Friday night Hayden and I went to see Toy Story 3 so today she agreed to go to the flea markets with me. Yay! We went to two of my favorite flea markets, The Rose and The Rose, Too. They are both packed full of all kinds of treasures.
I ended up with some Anchor Hocking "Manhanttan" depression glass, two glasses and a berry bowl. My mom gave me two "manhattan" salad plates that belonged to my grandma and I fell love with the pattern, if you can really call it that. I think it's elegant and timeless.
And a Pyrex baking dish the pattern is Butterprint in Turquoise, which I love because it's so retro. Someone I work with has the mixing bowls and maybe more and I covet them. He's not selling, I asked. :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Flowers or No Flowers?
One weekend in May, I was invited to go to Chris Olsen's house with Amanda. He's a landscape architect in Little Rock, and he has an open house a few times a year. Needless to say his yard AND his house were amazing! The design of it all was very finished and he had lots of fun art. In his sun-porch off the back of the house he had hung neat plastic flowers all over walls and ceiling, available at Urban Outfitters. I decided, like I do, that I could make those, easy peasy. HA!
Well, this is what I have so far and I think I either need a few more or I need to scrap the idea. What do you think? Not as perfect as the plastic ones, but handmade? :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Broadway Baby
Hayden has officially accomplished something I have never done and will never do, she was in her first play at Rogers Little Theater. An even bigger deal, she tried out for a part! She sang a song in front of all the other kids and some of their parents.
She and 52 other kids along with the help of the Peacocks put together a collection of songs and skits from various Broadway musicals. They did a great job and it was lot of fun to watch...twice. Mom, Dad and Allen went to the second performance with me, thanks for coming Grammy and Pop!! Next time I'll get a picture of all of us.
Hayden had so much fun she wanted to be in the second session that started the following Monday. We decided that it would be best to wait and maybe try the fall session in August. For now we're moving on to swim lessons.
(I couldn't figure out why the photos were so fuzzy and I thought maybe the camera hadn't adjusted from being inside, then I found little fingerprints on the lens. :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Big-Little Garden
Here's an updated photo of my garden. It's grown sooo much! The plant in the front growing over the side is the burpless cucumber, it probably could have been in the container all by itself. The tomatoes have lots of blooms but not tomatoes yet. The okra has a baby okra and the bell peppers have babies but the leaves don't look so hot. I sure hope we get at least one veggie from each plant.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Oh, the Drama

So, I'm sure you all know that Hayden is full of drama. She's been in a drama camp at Rogers Little Theater for about a week and a half and loving every minute. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "You can't stop the beat". Her performance is Friday and Saturday and the parents are in charge of the costumes. The rules we were given were, it has to have a black base and any other color had to be sparkly. This is what we've come up with. I pretty proud of it! Me, Allen and the house are covered in pink and purple glitter.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Deep-Fried Creative
A friend of mine found this blog, Monsters in Real Places. I thought it was super cute and would be fun to try. I challenged the rest of the crew at Deep Fried Creative to make some monsters of our own. Here's mine.

Monday, June 7, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Little Garden
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend at Silver Dollar City

Allen unexpectedly had a few days off this weekend and we decided to go to Branson, MO. We went to Ripley's Believe It or Not and Silver Dollar City.

We took the tour of the Marvel Cave. I got a little nervous when the tour guides went over the reasons not to go through it.
The list included:
- over an hour long with no restroom
- over 500 steps
- your afraid of the dark
- your afraid of bats
- your claustrophobic
It was actually kind of fun, but I won't be spelunking with out a tour guide ever!

For some reason the first ride Hayden decided to go on was Wildfire. I am terrified of roller coasters. (I've only been on one my whole life, the Texas Giant, and I'm pretty sure I had a panic attack during the ride.) I waited in line with them and then went to observation deck.

You can't tell it from this picture, but she's was really excited. She was green when they got off the ride and I'm not sure she'll ever get on another one.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Meet Mortimer

Allen makes the best guacamole I've ever had and I can't get enough. We never have avacados on hand, so we're trying to root an avacado seed. Allen is quoting the movie Trading Places: "Looking good, Mortimer", "Feeling good, Lewis". That's how Mortimer got his name. He's sprouted this little root and I'm checking daily for some leafy green hair.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Perdido Key!
Me, my mom and my sister started planning our family vacation in January, we were paid up and set to go when the news about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill hit. We were sad for the the families of the missing people and hopeful they would figure out how to take care of leak.

It rained most of the first day so Emily and I went shopping in Foley.

Andrew, was really funny about the sand. He didn't want anything to do with it, Emily and Shannon could but him on his beach towel and he wouldn't move. He took some really good naps listening to the waves.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Hayden.

Lucky for us we had a week of great weather and a beautiful oil-free beach.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Future Rock Climber?

Hayden has discovered a new sport. Rock climbing. We took her to Lewis & Clark today to climb the wall and she was at the top in a flash. I think it took her all of 15 seconds to ring the bell at the top. I think we're going to have to check out the Ozark Bouldering Gym in Springdale.
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today turned out to be a beautiful day and we decided to go to Eureka Springs. We did what you do in Eureka, walked around and checked out the new shops, listened to a little music in Basin Park and ate a delicious lunch at the Local Flavor Cafe. Because it was kind of my weekend I got to choose the appetizer, Baked Brie, served with apples and pears. YUMO!
We noticed a sign for Pivot Rock on our way into Eureka. According to the "billboard" the rock is mentioned in Ripley's Believe it or Not. How could we NOT stop and see it?! After $9.50 and a short walk through the woods we found the rock. It was interesting but not amazing. We had a great day and hopefully we'll go back soon and check out some of the bike trails.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Naturals Game
According to Hayden the highlight of the game was the Humane Society dog breaking free. The pup played "catch me if you can" for a while and then hunkered up and poo-ed in the middle of the out field.
It was the funniest thing I've ever seen at a baseball game.
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